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For those who have been hanging on for these several months now, waiting for to hear the rest of my story, I so appreciate your patience! I have had to take a couple of necessary breaks from writing while I got a few things sorted and settled.

Scrabble tiles creatively spell out "PROJECT UPDATE" against a simple background.
Scrabble tiles creatively spell out "PROJECT UPDATE" against a simple background.

Just as I was gaining momentum last August, I stumbled across a specialist in Boulder, Colorado who treats Functional Neurological Disorder (FND). I was able to get a last minute appointment with her at the end of August that resulted in a six week outpatient intensive with her that involved me driving an hour each way for four days a week.

My time with her was transformative, altering the messaging of my upcoming book and opening the doors to some breakthroughs that I look forward to sharing here and in my book.

Near the end of my time with her—and partially because of my work with her—I found out that I needed knee replacement surgery. Because of the medical trauma I have experienced, I tend to avoid doctors and medical care until my situation is pretty dire, something that I am working to change moving forward.

After having lived with some knee pain for about 4-5 years now, I finally went to see my doctor for what was acting like a torn meniscus. A couple of X-rays later, I found out that I have localized osteoarthritis in both knees and the inside portion of both knees are currently bone on bone.

That explained the knee pain. sad trombone

In light of that information, I chose to address the knee that was causing the most pain, electing to undergo knee replacement surgery a week before my birthday and Christmas. While that was a bit challenging navigating the holiday season, I managed well and am currently recovered enough to reach pre-surgery pain levels. And that is more promising that it might sound!

Edwin has enjoyed telling people that shopping for me for birthday and Christmas was easier than ever this year since I got a new knee and the accompanying drugs. I mean, what more could a girl ask for than going partially bionic, right?

I can report that this year was the best birthday and Christmas I can recall. And, no, it wasn’t the drugs. rimshot

The best gift I got was sitting with Dr. Afra Moenter in the Boulder Center for Neuro Health and gaining new understanding about my FND diagnosis.

I am excited to be back to writing after the necessary break, and I am looking forward to sharing my story with this fresh perspective.

Thank you again for your patience, and you can look forward to getting a new series of updates beginning this Sunday.


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